!!! NEXT TWO (2) WEEK’S SCHEDULES ARE NOW POSTED (WEEK OF 10/16-10/22 AND 10/23-10/29 —Make your Reservations Early!!
1. CARDIOFIT: On your app, go to the “Workout” for October 1st and check out the newest workouts for the month’s NEW CardioFit. We’ve specifically designed these workouts for the Spartan Racers set to race this November (and beyond). If you’ve never done this class, give it a shot! You will learn how to carry, climb, jump, hang and so much more… all good stuff for the Spartan in us all. 😉
2. PLEASE PLEASE FILL THIS OUT IF YOU HAVEN’T YET…. We need your feedback!! Thank you to those who returned the Confidential Nutrition Survey. If you haven’t yet please take 3 minutes to do it now CLICK ON IT HERE: NUTRITION SURVEY
Angelino Community Fitness – CrossFit
Take 20-30 minutes to set up, warm up and complete the following.
A. Back Squat: 4 x 2 @ 80-90% of Max — Rest 30-45 seconds in between your sets and record your in Wodify.
B. Clean Pulls: 4 x 3 @ 95-105% of Max Clean — Rest 30-45 seconds in between your sets and record your in Wodify.
C. Push Press: 4 x 4-6 — Go as heavy as possible with good form. Rest 30-45 seconds in between your sets and record your in Wodify.
A: Back Squat
B: Clean Pull (4×3 @ 90-95% of Max Clean)
C: Push Press
WOD: Rx Strong WOD 3-3 (Time)
— 20x Power Cleans (Rx)
— 30x Bar Facing Burpees Over-the-Bar
— 40 Calorie Row
Bar Rx: @ 65% of Max Clean
Complete as much as you can with the time left in class.
– 6-10x Reverse DB Flys *
– Rest 30 seconds.
– 60 Seconds of MAX Strict Handstand Push-Ups **
– Rest 90 seconds.
* Go as heavy as possible with good form. Adjust rep cout according to weight.
** Scale as needed. Ask your coach for recommendations.
COOL-DOWN : Couch Stretch, Foam Roll, Walk, Wall Hang, Frog Stretch, Foam Roll, Pigeon Stretch
REF: Clean (Work Part B at 95-105% of Max Clean and Work the WOD at 65% of Max Clean.)
Use for reference in Part B and WOD.